How to create a video script with ChatGPT — the four-step framework
Denys Lohvynenko

AI tools are increasingly used in the creative industry to save time and money. ChatGPT helps to create briefs, brand strategies, technical tasks, and the content itself.

Denys Logvynenko, Managing Partner at Havas Digital agency, has shared his experience of using ChatGPT to develop a video script. In the article, he explains the main principles of working with a chatbot, shares tips on the marketing component, and offers a specific framework for interacting with AI in video creation.

Three main principles of working with ChatGPT
  1. The goal as a basis. You should clearly determine the purpose of the content you create using the platform. For example, to increase brand awareness, boost sales, or inform about a new product/service. Otherwise, ChatGPT results may not be relevant from the very beginning.
  2. You have to be specific, specific and specific again. The clearer the instructions, the more efficiently AI works. Be as specific as possible, but remember that ChatGPT is the platform that openly uses the data you upload. This means that you will never know who will be able to see your data when you enter a query and when.
  3. Let’s repeat in a circle. You will hardly get the desired result the first time. Make adjustments and give feedback. Don’t forget that an AI tool is not a human brain, so you have to work with iterations.
Working with ChatGPT, the main thing is to make your request logical and pay attention to details.
Basic rules for creating a script

Do you want your video not to be skipped in social media feeds? Here are some important points:

  • Attention can only be held for the first three seconds. If users are not intrigued, your video will be scrolled through.
  • Storytelling is still in use. But don’t create storytelling just for the sake of storytelling. Don’t forget that your product/service solves a problem for the audience, which is the most important thing. Don’t overthink the idea, because it leads to projects that don’t work to achieve the goals.
  • Brevity. This is the main guarantee that the video will be watched to the end. Find a focus and stick to it.

The book “Breakthrough Advertising” by Eugene Schwartz immediately comes to mind. In this book, the author gives useful tips on the basics of marketing and copywriting. Here are five points that form the basis for all communications:

  1. Think of your customers as people with their own stories and opinions.
  2. Write in a way that creates a strong image in the customer’s mind. But at the same time, don’t forget to keep communication simple. Your message should be easy to understand. Avoid corporate jargon and buzzwords that can lead to confusion.
  3. Consider the hidden wishes of your customers. The target audience has hidden desires, fears, and dreams. Your task is to identify and use these internal drivers in your communication. By integrating them into the message, you increase the chance that your communication will have a powerful effect.
  4. Remember that your customers have different backgrounds. Some may know nothing about the product, while others may have deep knowledge of the topic. Tailor your communication to the level of your customers’ awareness. Talk about their problems and offer suitable solutions.
  5. Avoid strict formulas and focus on the basic principles of marketing and customer psychology. Be ready to adapt to changes, but take into account what factors motivate consumers to act.

We have considered the basic rules of interaction with AI and determined our own marketing guidelines. Now let’s talk about creating a script with ChatGPT in practice.

Script creation framework
  1. Let’s set the direction. Set a role for ChatGPT. For example, you can write that it should become:
  • a scriptwriter in the comedy genre to write a script for a Youtube video;
  • a creator from an agency who understands the behavior of Generation Z and is able to generate viral content.
  1. Let’s share our knowledge. At this stage, you need to share as much information as possible about your brand. In particular, provide its name and basic information about the brand, products, and services. Tell what problem you solve and what your target audience is. The list of questions can be long, depending on the purpose of the video. The main task of this stage is to immerse ChatGPT in understanding the brand as much as you can.
  2. Then, we expand the number of details. Here we stop and specify the purpose of the video (to sell, educate, inspire, make fun, etc.). Think about what exactly a person should feel and do after watching the video. Also, specify your wishes concerning the first three seconds. The script should be written in such a way that a viewer does not scroll through the video. Add details about what you would like to see in the video. If you enter a character, you need to describe them with maximum details, and then AI will customize a possible script.
  3. Afterwards, we get a draft and make adjustments. From the very beginning, request several versions of the script and compare them. Decide what you like and what you don’t like. Provide clear feedback. These can include adjustments to the entire script (for example, not enough humor) or to a certain sentence (not inspiring enough). Now, you need to add specifics until you get the desired final result.

Also, don’t forget about the legal aspects of using AI platforms. Before using the created content, study all the risks thoroughly.

AI platforms for video creation

When the script is ready, you can use these AI platforms to create videos:

  • — specializes in the automatic creation of videos based on text.
  • — the platform for automating the process of creating short clips from long videos with templates, captions, and emojis.
  • — helps you create videos based on your own video footage, integrated stock footage, or from scratch using AI.
  • Synthesia — the tool that helps you synthesize a voice for video dubbing, choose an avatar that can replace an actor, or even create your own.
  • Descript — the all-purpose tool for editing videos and podcasts (it has functions for recording, transcribing, editing, etc.).
  • Beatoven — allows you to generate music using AI based on the emotion in each part of your video or podcast.



Practice and experiment with these approaches. Only in the process of constant adjustments you can understand the algorithms and find the way to a good result.
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