Combating Counterfeits of the Żubrówka Brand


Due to the increase in sales and brand recognition of Żubrówka in the Ukrainian market, local producers have started releasing their own “Zubrovka,” thereby diluting the unique advantage and value of the original brand. At the same time, the brand has not yet established a clear association with its origin, leaving many consumers unaware that “the real Żubrówka can only come from Poland.” As a result, our consumers might drink other “Zubrovka” products, thinking they are the original.

To address this and maintain its position, Żubrówka has decided to launch a digital campaign.

Target audience

The target audience for Żubrówka is middle-aged men (25-45 years old). They are traditionalists in many aspects, including their consumption habits. However, they are not snobs and are open to new experiences: they watch television but are also active users of social media and messaging apps.

Żubrówka men value authenticity and dislike being deceived, whether it’s by fake news, advertising, or counterfeit products. They appreciate genuine products and the heritage behind a brand and would never buy a fake.


Our primary task was not just to convey the authenticity and genuine nature of Polish Żubrówka vodka, but also to communicate that all other “Zubrovkas” are mere imitations.

Additionally, it was crucial to create a campaign that would stand out amidst the general noise in the category and get people talking about Żubrówka.


We didn't want to follow the typical scenario of comparing two similar products, where using one brings joy to the village and using the other means they continue washing dishes. We didn't want to point out ten differences and shout, "We're good and authentic, and that vodka is fake."

Firstly, users are tired of this approach and find it uninteresting. Secondly, it's not very sophisticated.

We decided to tap into a simple human insight: no one likes to be deceived or feel like a fool, even in small matters. For example, finding out that your favorite shoes aren't from Italy but are actually made somewhere near Zhytomyr.


To evoke genuine disdain for fake Żubrówka, we decided to brazenly advertise them. We enlisted celebrity look-alikes of Angelina Jolie, Jason Statham, Johnny Depp, and Oleg Vynnyk. In the commercials, they attempted to speak about the brand in Polish. However, like all things fake, the results were mediocre at best.

Campaign stages

At first, we planted a “leaked backstage footage” on social media, and news communities spread the rumor that Angelina Jolie herself had arrived in Ukraine, and the “Mechanic” was spotted filming in Kyiv, and so on. This sparked a torrent of fake hatred because people immediately noticed the deceit.

Following this, we launched prerolls featuring the fakes with the message “Copies are needed to remind us of the original. The real Żubrówka – only from Poland.”

The result

  • 4.3 mln
  • 149%
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