How Twins Have Become a Unique Feature in Teva Ukraine’s Communication


Teva is a leading player in the pharmaceutical market. Its products, manufactured in Europe in compliance with the highest quality standards, offer a more affordable alternative to other analogues in Ukraine. The Teva brand requested to develop a communication platform for “smart consumers” seeking high-quality products at the best prices.

Our task was to convey to the target audience of “smart consumers” (women aged 25-55) the key advantages of Teva’s products compared to other similar offerings on the market.

We have made the original text more concise and clear. Additionally, we replaced the word “shoppers” with “consumers,” which better reflects the brand’s target audience.


Teva is a global brand, and we supported its communication platform with the "twins" theme.
Some medicines are very similar, just like twins, but there's always a "but." Teva brand medicines have their counterparts in Ukraine, but they are manufactured in Europe according to international quality standards and offer an affordable price.

In our campaign, two twin sisters meet and discuss which medicines to choose for treating different diseases. From video to video, our twin heroines compare seemingly similar drugs and reveal the advantages of Teva's products.

As part of our communication platform, we:

*Developed commercials for several Teva products, launching them on TV and various digital platforms

*Created a website linked to the videos and banners

*Launched banner campaigns to support each video

Communication platform videos

Teva brand line

It is said that information is best remembered during a game. Given the abundance of information we need to convey, the game "Crocodile" is the perfect method, allowing us to both demonstrate and articulate the necessary details. We chose to visualize a cozy family atmosphere, highlighting two generations that care for each other, and to present the benefits of the Teva brand in an easy-to-understand format.


Usually, thrush is considered to be something very shameful, something that cannot be named. That's why we decided to create a video with a touch of mysticism and horror. In the video, one sister uses a drug that doesn't help, while the other has long since discovered Fluconazole-Teva and forgotten about the discomfort.


A dry cough is very annoying, not only for the person experiencing it but also for everyone around them, especially during the challenging times of a pandemic. That’s why we decided to use the example of two sisters to illustrate how a cough can disrupt quality time together by appearing at the most inopportune moments. To continue the narrative of our product videos, we highlighted the benefits of the brand using the example of twins.

Teva brand line

In a series of digital ads to support our cold and cough medicines, Xylo-Teva and Ambroxol-Teva, as well as our CBG line, we decided to focus on comparing our products with others, highlighting their similar properties and different prices.

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