Body-positive campaign for brabrabra body-positive underwear
- Creative
- Complex creative Campaign
- Creative idea
- Communication strategy
- Video&photo production
- Media
- Development
- Design
- SMM & Influencers

Until 2020, the brabrabra brand had never initiated nationwide campaigns. In fact, it didn't even exist before 2019. The network of stores primarily sold various brands targeting an adult audience aged 35 and above. Young girls wanted nothing to do with such underwear – it is comfy but not at all sexy. In 2019, the customer wanted to reverse this situation by expanding its target audience, engaging the young audience and launching its own lingerie brand, brabrabra.
This was a challenging task in a market saturated with both Ukrainian and international competitors. We all witnessed their commercials with young, beautiful girls with perfect bodies, smooth skin and C-cup breasts wearing their lingerie. And the rest had to do with some other underwear – comfortable yet unattractive.
All women love beautiful lingerie. However, 80% don’t know how to choose it right. This challenge is particularly significant for women with ample curves, for whom finding the perfect bra is a crucial necessity. Therefore, we decided to target all women that follow trends. Those who, between beauty and comfort, most often opt for the former, making their body suffer. We invited the rap singer Alyona Alyona to feature in an All-Ukrainian body-positive campaign for brabrabra. Together, we aimed to show that lingerie can be both beautiful and comfortable for women of all sizes.
To show how much the female body suffers, we accompanied the first stage with a banner and street advertising with marks on the body left by the underwear that was selected wrong. Each medium had a QR code and a link to, where we described the mistakes in the choice of bra and added an option to schedule online or offline bra fitting to choose the perfect lingerie. To speak about the problem even more loudly, alyona alyona recited an angry rap about the hard life of female breasts.
In a series of videos, alyona alyona spoke about the main mistakes made by women when selecting a bra. Now, women of various shapes and ages wearing gorgeous and comfortable brabrabra lingerie are looking at us from street and banner ads. As part of the campaign in major cities of Ukraine, we conducted offline bra fittings where women could attend lectures on the correct choice of underwear and determine their individual index of comfortable bra parameters.

We changed the rules of the game in lingerie advertising, having invited ample-breasted Ukrainian plus-size rap singer alyona alyona to become the campaign identity.
By selecting the right ambassador, not only did we manage to communicate the message that comfortable underwear may be beautiful for all body types, but also attracted the attention of youth and became part of the trend that has just started gathering pace in Ukraine – body positivity. We were supported both by potential brabrabra customers and top fashion and other media outlets (TSN, Cosmopolitan, Viva, Elle, etc.).
We were mentioned by top bloggers: Tania Prentkovych, Diana Hloster, Anna Pohribniak, and many others, as well as media celebrities like Masha Yefrosinina. The approximate total reach was over 3.7M. Posts on Alyona Alyona’s pages on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube reached 1,000,000 views, 100,000+ likes and tens of thousands of positive comments. Just imagine that we received up to 3,000,000 in additional unique audience reach, which makes 100% of all target audience reach for an ad campaign!
+15%in search requests for the brand on Google
100%free media reach on top of the paid one
3 000 000additional unique audience reach
100 000+likes and tens of thousands of positive comments